Academy - The WineHunter


WineHunter Academy organizes and manages high-level seminars, refresher courses and gastronomy classes, both independently and in collaboration with partners, institutions and universities.

For more information please visit the website:

Approved courses financed by the European Social Fund
1. Virtual Reality Innovation – FESR 1030
2. Assistant Cook – FSE 10032
3. Waiter – FSE 10033
4. Shop assisstant food – FSE 10034
5. Tourist Promoter – FSE 10036
6. Event Manager – FSE 10037
7. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality – FSE 10038
8. Wine Export Manager – FSE 10040
9. Class for the professional and innovative development for architechts – FSE 12041
10. Technician for food quality control – FSE 10050
11. Competence strengthening for students – FSE 30077
12. Teacher training – FSE 30078
13. Performance increacement for students at risk – FSE 30079
14. Security Manager – for over 45 – FSE 10069
15. Tourist guide – for over 45 – FSE 10070
16. Assistant cook – for over 45 – FSE 10071

Supported by
European Social Fund FSE

In collaboration with
University of Bolzano
University Ca’ Foscari Venezia
University Siena
University Catania
University Trento
