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Gourmet’s Italia WineHunter Wien

14th Edition 7 May 2018
Museumsquartier Wien

WineHunter Vienna represents an exclusive moment of promotion of made-in-Italy products from wine to food.

A day totally dedicated to the city of Vienna, to get to know excellent products of Italian territories and to widen the personal network with professionals and privates of the sector.

We expect around 400 presences. A selection of 50 wineries and 20 producers of food are present at the event.

Edition 2017

WineHunter Vienna registered more than 350 visitors, 60 producers with 200 different wines in degustation, 200 professionals of the sector and 40 press representatives.

Ingredients of success

Close partnership with the Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca who guarantees already since 14 editions the multitude of visitors like professionals of the sector and local press.

Promotion through the communication channels of the Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca, Merano WineFestival and The WineHunter.

Press Accreditation
For press accreditation please write an email to

Tickets are available directly at the event entrance
Ovalhalle, Museumsquartier Vienna

WineHunter Milano

4° Edition 3-5 March 2018
Identità Golose, MiCo – Milano Congressi

The WineHunter Milano at the international Chef Congress Identità Golose was a great experience. It was an important appointment to create and nurture networking in the gastronomic field, given the great presence of gastronomy operators, chefs, operators of the sector and press! Here is a brief presentation of the 2018 edition: WineHunter Milano was dedicated to 80 wineries and distilleries, proposing a tasting itinerary of the award-winning WineHunter products, in the form of original cocktails created directly by the companies to enhance the uniqueness of their liqueurs and spirits.


Anteprima MWF Ippodromo Merano

29-30 September 2018

This year again the world of horses and the world of wine and cuisine are combined in the unique setting of the Ippodromo Merano for the 79th Gran Premio!
This event is the perfect occasion to present the renowned excellences of the upcoming 27th edition of the Merano WineFestival. Only producers with products that were rewarded with The WineHunter Award and were selected for the Merano WineFestival 2018 will present their excellences.
Each year the known event counts as many as 15,000 spectators who enthusiastically welcome this unique weekend of excellence and races. About 50 producers of wine and food will frame each race with the flavors and aromas from all over Italy.